Siebel Business Service Part-2

Siebel Business Service Part-2

In the previous post, a brief description on Siebel Business Service was discussed. Before we actually move onto the details on how we would implement the Business service, let us know more about BS

We have mainly two types of Business Services based on the type of configuration selected. In other words a Siebel configurator can configure a Business Service either in Siebel tools or Siebel application. So based on this we can classify the Siebel Business service as

*     Repository – Stored Business Service
*     Client – Stored Business Service

Repository – Stored Business Service : These BS are stored in S_SERVICE Table and when used the SRF needs to be complied for the same.

Client – Stored Business Service : These BS are stored in S_RT_SVC Table and when used no need of SRF compile.
Administration->Business Service Screen we can see all the Business services created at Application level.


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