Siebel Business Service Part-4

In this post I will discuss on how to create a business service.

How to create a BS in Siebel Tools

Lock the project on which BS should be based on
Select the Business Services object in the Tools Object Explorer.
Right-click, and then choose New Record.(Ctrl+N)
Type a name of the BS in the Name field of the new business service and Select the Project.
Choose the appropriate class
Data transformation CSSEAIDTEScriptService class.
business services - CSSService class.

Defining a Method for BS
With the business service selected in Siebel Tools, expand the Business Service tree in the Object Explorer, and then select Business Service Method.
Right-click, and then choose New Record.
Type the name of the method in the Name field of the new method.

Defining Method Arguments…

With your business service method selected in Siebel Tools, expand the Business Service Method tree in the Object Explorer, and then select Business Service Method Args.

Right-click, and then choose New Record.

Type the name of the argument in the Name field of the new method argument record.

Enter the data type in the Data Type field.

Check the Optional check box if you do not want the argument to be required for the method.

Business Service Script

select the business service for which script is to be written.

Right-click, and then choose Edit Server Scripts.

The Siebel Script Editor appears. Select either Siebel eScript or Visual Basic for your scripting language. Select Service_PreInvokedMethod as the event handler.
Type in the script into the Script Editor

function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)




                            if(MethodName == "Resubmit SR")
                            {//Start of "MethodName" if block
                                            var SRBusObj = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Service Request");
            var SRBusCom = SRBusObj.GetBusComp("Service Request");
                                            var sSrNum = Inputs.GetProperty("SR Number");
               {//Strat of With Block
                   SetSearchSpec("SR Number", sSrNum);
                   var isRec=FirstRecord();
                       {//Start of While block
                          SetFieldValue("Status", "Created");
                        }//End of While block
                 }//End of With Block
                 return (CancelOperation);
          }//End of "MethodName" if block
          return (ContinueOperation);
     }//End of try Block


        isRec = null;
       SRBusObj = null;
       SRBusCom = null;

You have successfully created a BS in Siebel Tools... Next post I will show how to create a BS in Siebel Application (Client Side)... Stay Tunned


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